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New Release

The Witches Claw: A Claire Swenson Novel (2023)

Claire Swenson and her friends Jannie and Boone have just finished college. They are ready to celebrate and move on with their lives… until Jannie's child goes missing. Claire will do anything to help Jannie find her little girl, even if that means stepping through time to save her.Almost three years have passed since Claire was there to hold Jannie's hand through the breech birth of her daughter Mya—a gifted child according to folklore, born with a veil on Midsummer's Eve.Now, during a dual celebration of graduation and Mya's upcoming third birthday, the three friends stare in shock at the toddler's empty bed. She's been taken. With everyone around them frozen in time, Claire and her friends have no choice but to step through a portal to the past.They find themselves in Salem 1692, at the height of the witch trials. As strangers arriving at a precarious time in history, they try to avoid suspicion long enough to retrieve Mya from the witches who have taken her. The witches plan to use Mya in a dark magic ritual that will close their portal to the present, freezing Mya in the past forever. Can they get back to their own time before it's too late?

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Whispers in the Attic

Claire’s Swenson’s life at college is everything she expected and more: a new roommate, a boyfriend, a job, and now—a beautiful auburn-haired ghost on her front doorstep!
Despite growing up near the town of Salem, Massachusetts, Claire’s only interest in the paranormal has been the supernatural qualities of the crystals sold in her grandmother’s gift shop. She is now reluctantly drawn into the spectral world of the lovely spirit who seems to be seeking her help.
Claire’s efforts to understand and lend aid to the troubled spirit, lead her to the coastal hometown of her ancestors and across unseen dimensions where she is reunited with her deceased great-grandparents and comes face-to-face with a malevolent shadow spirit who will stop at nothing to keep her from uncovering the truth.

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Whispers in the Attic is an engaging paranormal romance and mystery novel with a light quality, but also emotional depth. The characters are well-developed and their personalities and inter-connected relationships evoke a strong affinity with the reader. The story is well-written and researched, and fast-paced. I enjoyed the unfolding mystery of this ghost story and the exploration of paranormal events, as well as the blossoming romantic aspects of the book. I am also interested in the paranormal, so I was naturally drawn to this book. I thoroughly enjoyed the ride and I do sense a sequel coming, as I feel these characters have not ended their journey, yet.

Praise & Reviews

Holy Cow! How have I not read this book until now. THIS WAS AMAZING!!! I love a good ghost story and this one was probably one of the best I have ever read. I was literally unable to put this book down and ended up reading it in one sitting. Cheryl Alsippi is an amazing author who really knows how to tell a story. I can't wait for her to write more books.

"A ghost story of past love, friendship, and murder. A ghost helps bring the past back. I found that I didn't want to put the book down, I wanted to know what happened next. A must read for anyone who like ghost stories." ~ C

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